
We are very pleased to announce that online credit card payments are now available.

Go to the secure MyGate payment gateway.

Please make sure you select the correct conference you are paying for in the drop-down menu, complete all the fields. Include your Invoice reference in the field provided and specify the correct amount so that we can reconcile the payment in our bank account.

Please note:  Accommodation bookings have to be made by no later than

1 October 2016.  Availability cannot be guaranteed after this date.

Goals: Five days of plenary talks and parallel sessions where some of the very latest experimental results in high energy physics will be presented. The scope ranges from the study  of excited nuclear matter, as it emerged from the primordial matter created by the Big Bang at the beginning of the Universe to the search for New Physics beyond the Standard Model.

The surroundings of one of the world’s largest national parks, and the physics results presented during this workshop, will serve to inspire discussions between theorists and experimentalists on the latest LHC and Tevatron measurements as well as our expectations for the future.

For more information and enquiries, please contact us at: kruger2016@tlabs.ac.za



                          Lionesses in the Kruger Park

